1301 West 73rd St.

Indianapolis, IN 46260

Main: (317) 259-5412

Attendance: 317-259-5412 ext 23314

1301 West 73rd St.

Indianapolis, IN 46260

Main: (317) 259-5412

Attendance: 317-259-5412

Westlane Honors Application for 2023-24

2023-24 Honors Application – The Middle School Honors application process is underway. Students who are currently not enrolled in honors courses and incoming 6th grade students may apply until December 16, 2022. Washington Township Schools is committed to providing high ability programming that challenges students to meet their full potential. Placement into these courses will be based on a student application process and achievement and/or aptitude test results that may include grades, NWEA, CogAT, ILEARN, content specific exams, etc. If you are interested in having your child participate in honors courses for the 2023-2024 school year, please follow the process below.

1.   Students who are interested in Honors courses will complete the student application. Printed copies of the application are available from their teacher and/or the school’s front office. Paper applications can be turned in to the school front office for middle school students.

2.   Content tests will be given next semester to students who apply to be in Honors Science.

3.   A committee will evaluate the student applications and all academic data in efforts to conduct an unbiased approach.

4. Students who are currently in Honors English and Honors Math in 6th grade and Honors English, Honors Math, Honors Social Studies, and Honors Science in 7th Grade DO NOT have to apply to be in those courses for next year.  This application process is for classes you are currently not in.  


Application – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOXpcZQvXMudF5_YwIa-Ww6LXPFlejbEnPvbmlAs0mpZ6yQg/viewform 

For more information or questions regarding  middle school honors process, please feel free to contact Mr. Pitcock at bpitcock@msdwt.k12.in.us – the District High Ability Coach for Washington Township Schools, Michelle Smelser at msmelser@msdwt.k12.in.us or Dr. Buchanan-Rivera, Director of Equity and Inclusion at ebuchananrivera@msdwt.k12.in.us