1301 West 73rd St.

Indianapolis, IN 46260

Main: (317) 259-5412

Attendance: 317-259-5412 ext 23314

1301 West 73rd St.

Indianapolis, IN 46260

Main: (317) 259-5412

Attendance: 317-259-5412

Counselor Corner

YOU MATTER Week: January 22-26 – You Matter Week is a week to celebrate across all WT elementary and middle schools to emphasize the belief that every student, and who they are, matters. The goal is to remind and teach students, families and staff how to take proactive steps to care for themselves and help those around them take care of themselves. We will have daily announcements and activities centered around caring for our mental health, creating safe spaces for others, and learning we are not alone in our journey. More information to come!


Hello 6th grade parents!

Can you believe your student is already into their second semester of their 6th grade year? At this point your student should be getting comfortable with the middle school way.  Your student’s schedule will have changed due to new semester electives (Exploring World Language, Pre-AVID, Exploring Innovations, Research It).  Additionally, some students may even have different teachers for their core classes (math, English, science, and social studies, PE). This is normal at the secondary level.   Some key reminders as your student begins a new semester:  Students need to be at school every day;  students need to arrive to school on time, as well as, to each of their classes; and keep up on their assignments in all classes.  For the months of January and February, students will hear messages/lessons about self-care and identifying goals for their future.  Please feel free to ParentSquare me, email me (jpatsel@msdwt.k12.in.us) or call me (317-259-5412 ext. 23109) if you have any questions or concerns about your student.

Hello 7th grade families!!

  1.  Welcome back to second semester of the 23-24 school year. Please check skyward to see your student’s report card. Things to be on the lookout for this semester 7th grade students will be making their schedules for 8th grade.



    1. The first week back went very well. 7th graders had an amazing first semester.
    2. The week of January 22nd we will be doing a YOU MATTER WEEK. This week we will be working on mental health wellness. There will be some classroom activities and announcements made daily giving helpful tips to manage different mental health struggles that students may be experiencing.
    3. I will be working with individual students that did not pass math or English and or both. My goal for this semester is for all 7th grade students to have good attendance and have passing grades in all of their classes.
    4. Please check Skyward and Parent square messages regularly to keep up with your student’s grades and correspondence from Mr. Pitcock and your student’s teachers to ensure that you don’t miss out on things going on at WL.
    5. If you have not done so, please fill out the 21st Century Scholars application for your student to receive a (free) scholarship money to attend college at any school in Indiana. www.scholartrack.che.in.gov
    6. If you have any questions, please contact me at kbostic@msdwt.k12.in.us

Hello 8th Grade Families!

Your 8th grader’s last semester of Middle School is underway! Here are a few key points we have worked through so far:

  • Curriculum Night for Incoming 9th Graders at North Central (Monday, 1/27, in person, 7:00-8:30)
  • Continuing to encourage 8th graders to self-advocate and be more self-sufficient when meeting the needs of their academic & social-emotional needs by utilizing the necessary skills 
  • You can learn more about the new 21st Century Automatic Enrollments and how to apply at: https://learnmoreindiana.org/scholars/
  • Continuing to push that attendance is key! Please ensure that students are on time to school and to class, every day, as forming good practices and habits will be crucial in obtaining credits and graduating from High School
  • Please push best efforts first, so students are giving their full effort the first opportunity given with assignments and assessments
  • Continue to be on the lookout for ParentSquare messages from myself and Mr. Pitcock about 8th-9th grade transition events and timelines
  • You can always contact me via ParentSquare, email: jhughes@msdwt.k12.in.us or calling up to Westlane (ext. 23322), please schedule walk in appointments beforehand